Firstly, well done to all the children who took part, all the parents and families for their support, the Friends of the school and Mr Richards for organising the whole thing.
...And they're off.
...preparing to run
...who will win?
...sack race!
...water relay
...over and under
...get ready!
...don't spill the water
...keep going!
We had a great afternoon! Well done to everyone. We can't wait to find out who has won.
Tuesday 12th July Acorn class visited the sea life centre in Great Yarmouth.
The penguins are losing their feathers, this usually happens around this time. The Penguins will grow their feathers back and will have a new nice clean coat.
We got to touch a starfish.
Amazing fact number 1: Starfish have 1000 legs.
Amazing fact number 2: If a starfishes arm gets chopped off;
1. It will grow back
2. A whole new starfish will grow from that arm
We saw some Ray fish!
And a crocodile...
We loved the colour of this jellyfish (it was just the coloured light shining on it, but it looked good).
The ray fish came to say hello.
The baby rays are so cute.
We walked in a tunnel that was underwater. The Sharks and fish swam over top of us as we walked.
We could go behind the tank which made it look like we were in the tank with the fishes.
We had such an amazing time at Sealife Great Yarmouth. We even got a certificate which includes a voucher to come back again for free!