Friday, 27 May 2016

NorthRepps Car Rally Sunday 29th May 2016

On Sunday at the Village Hall the friends of the school have organised a fun filled Car Rally. 
Starting at 12pm - 4pm. 
Come and join us for a burger, cake or maybe you might win on the tombola. 

As part of the Car Rally there's a Fun Dog Show!
Come along and bring your dog. You never know your dog may win the waggiest tail! 

We hope to see you there. 

All proceeds to Friends of NorthRepps Primary and Pre-School for educational visits.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Art exhibition

Northrepps Primary School have been working on things to do with the sea. Both classes went to Cromer Museum and learnt about the sea. In art we have been working on creating sea creatures. Today, we are taking our artwork to Cromer Parish hall for an art exhibition. This will be on until next Wednesday (01.06.2016). 
We made baskets and we had to weave them all together. 
We had a circular piece of cardboard, we covered it in glue then stuck various different materials to create a sea effect. Each year group worked on their own.
We also had a hoop which we needed to add string to it. Reception tied the string on to the edge then threw it over to the other person. Eventually we ended up with a dream catcher effect. We loved doing this piece. 
We also made fish out of plastic bottles. We did this by sticking on tissue paper and googley eyes. 

If you want to see more of our artwork then please come to Cromer Parish hall. 

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Class caterpillars

In Acorn class we are looking after some caterpillars. We got them when they were just babies and they've grown so much in just over a week. 
Fun fact 1: Caterpillars have 12 eyes.
Fun fact 2: Caterpillars produce silk.

This is a photo of a life cycle of a caterpillar. 
It starts off as an egg, then turns into a caterpillar. After 7-14 days the caterpillar will climb to the top of the cup and attatch itself to the paper disk under the lid. They will then hang in a J shape, shed their exoskeletons and harden into chrysalides. After 7-14 days the chrysalides will turn into Painted Lady Butterflies. 
We were given this guide to help us look after our caterpillars. 
During half term no one will be at school so Miss Page will take them home and document their activity in case they turn into butterflies whilst we are off school. 

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Forest School

In Forest school, we found some buttercups. Miss Page told us that when she was younger, she was told to put the buttercup under her chin. If her chin started to glow, it meant she liked butter. So we went around asking people if they liked butter. 

We work together in Forest school. 

We went exploring and found a snail! He was on a doc leaf in the middle of the pathway so we picked up the leaf and moved it to the side so no one stood on it. 

We could make things out of clay. It was messy.