Monday, 24 September 2018

Our first Forest School session with Nicola Newt

We arrived at a very wet and cold Felbrigg excited for our first session.

Nicola Newt wanted us to go around the circle saying our FS names.

After we finished that we went for a walk around the site to work out the green guidelines.

An example of one of the green guidelines is we must not go near the path.
 Nicola went over the guidelines to ensure we knew exactly what they are. 

We spent the last 10 minutes finding something that was either living, never been living or dead. 

 Avery found a mushroom with Miss Page. 

Unfortunately we had to leave as our session was over. We are very excited to come back again soon!

Art - Andy Warhol style

In our art lesson with Kate we have been working on making pictures like Andy Warhol. 

We have looked at a few pieces of his work. It is called POP Art.

Acorn class saw his piece of work with the coca-cola cans and his piece on Marilyn Monroe.

Image result for andy warhol marilyn monroe
*photo from Pinterest*

During week one we started our work with one piece of coloured card. Next, we were given 3 other coloured pieces that were smaller than our first. We had to stick our 3 colours onto our big piece. After that, we got given 4 pieces of coloured paper and we had to draw around our hand and cut it out. We stuck our hands onto the 3 coloured pieces ensuring no two colours were the same (blue hand print on a blue background). 

Week two we painted our hands black and printed them onto our cut out hands. 

This is what the final piece looks like. 

We are really pleased with our work and how well it has all turned out. 

Rugby with Charlie 19/09/2018

Tails and catchers. 
 Mason is trying to get away from Stanley!

Playing a game of pass. 

Well caught Bella!


Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Library van

Today the library van came to school!

We each took it in turns to go and choose some books.

We picked some picture books, information books and some lovely fairytale stories.

Acorn class are so excited to read our new books!

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Homework - update

We don't have enough time to finish showing the rest of the homework. 

Look out for the update tomorrow of the rest of the work. 👍😁


We are looking at things that are living, once were alive and things that were never alive. 

Today we went outside to see what we could find around us. 

Some of us saw a caterpillar. Others saw trees, grass and various other bugs.

Here are a few examples of us hard at work. 

Stanley, Mason, Edie and Amelia are all looking at the trees to see if it is alive. 

We used clipboards to help us write and draw.

Riley had drawn a tree. 

Rafe had drawn some grass and the trees. 


Today is homework day! 👍 

We show our homework every Tuesday. 

Bella brought in a carrot from her allotment.

It looked very much like a parsnip. 😐

Thank you for bringing it in for us to see.

 Next it was Ella's turn.

Ella drew a beautiful picture of a superhero mask.

Wow! 😄

What a beautiful mask!

                                                                                      After Ella is Avery.
                                                                       She has created 2 super characters. One boy, one girl. The girl superhero helps clean the beach.

Avery's other character is a green man. His superhero power was to be able to grow grass.

We have a few more pieces of homework to show after Science!

Thank you to everyone who brought in their homework to show. 
Remember we show homework on a Tuesday. We hope to see lots more next week!

Monday, 17 September 2018

Tag Rugby

We played sharks and seaweed.
In this game there are two catchers who are known as the sharks and the rest of the people are fish. If a shark catches you before you get to the other side you become seaweed. Seaweed cannot move and if you become seaweed you must stand still. You cannot move your feet but you can move your body to try and trap other fish coming past.

We love this game. Charlie gave us bib tails for this game of sharks and seaweed.
If the shark got our tails we became seaweed. 

We then went on to play catch with a rugby ball. We learnt how to throw it properly. You must hold the ball upwards like an egg, turn it and bring it to your side. Then you throw it forward.

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Sports day!

Tomorrow (Friday 13th) is our sports day!

It starts at 1:15pm.

We look forward to seeing lots of people cheering us on.

Image result for egg and spoon

Image result for sack race

Photos are not our own and sites have been referenced. 

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Beach clean

Acorn class went to Mundesley beach to take part in a beach clean.

This board is near the entrance of the beach. This allows anyone who is passing to do their part and clean the beach.

We got given pickups and gloves. This is so that we don't have to pick up the rubbish with our hands and so that we don't get dirty. 

We had a very important talk about what me might find and what we need to do. 

We had lots of fun at the beach clean and we are so proud of our class for doing our part for the environment.

Monday, 25 June 2018

Stody Farm visit

Crops in the field.

The Aberdeen cows and bull. 

We looked at  the crops then Farmer Ross let us have a look at all the harvested seeds in tubs.

This is Big Bertha. Big Bertha is a very expensive tractor. Each wheel costs £5,000.
If Big Bertha needed all her wheels changing, how much would that cost?

That's right £20,000


Stranger's Hall *Part 2*

A lady called Helena came to see us too. Helena is from Norwich 1666. She wasn't in London when the fire happened. Helena asked us if we wanted to see what items they had in their houses during the time of the fire. 

We were very interested in what all of the items were. Some of the items we saw were a lot different to our version of the item. 

Some of the items were the same. This one was obvious, we knew it was a drinking cup. 

This is a flintlock gun. It was quite heavy. 

This is a gunpowder horn. The horn holds the gunpowder. The cork at the bottom gets pulled off and can be tipped into the gun. Helena demonstrated how this was done.
The walls of this lantern is made from bull horn.

The large white tower was exciting for us all. We didn't know what it was. Helena told us it is called sugar loaf. This is Helena's favourite thing. Samuel Pepys saved his cheese and wine, Helena said she would save her sugar. 

Acorn class had a lovely time at Stranger's Hall.