Friday, 4 March 2016

Norwich Castle museum

On 9th February Acorn class went to Norwich Castle museum. During topic we had learnt all about Florence Nightingale and why she is famous. 
 We went to Norwich on the minibus and played I spy. We were all so excited to be going to the museum! When we arrived, it wasn't quite 10am so we sat outside enjoying the view whilst eating our fruit. 
When we walked in we were taken to an area just outside of the cafe where we would leave our coats and lunch boxes, this was also the place where we ate our lunch. 
We then walked through a corridor that had many different animals and noises of birds playing. We reached the middle room where we got introduced to 4 different people. 
We were told that our first activity was to look at some items that Florence Nightingale may have had in her suitcase. 
Here we have some ink, a pen, money, letters, a mini owl ornament (Florence had a pet owl and this ornament was to remember it). 
We were told that the letters that had a black border were letters that contained bad news. 
On this mat we had, a little bottle of poison, a comb, a boot hook so that Florence could do up her buttons, a toothbrush that was made out of bone and pig bristle. 
Although this wasn't Florence Nightingale's actual suitcase it was a replica. She had her initials on the suitcase so she could identify that it was hers. 

In our next session we talked about Florence Nightingale a little more and we saw on a map where she travelled to. 
She travelled to Turkey to Scutari hospital to help soldiers who had fought in the Crimean War and were injured. 

Florence Nightingale is also known as The Lady with the Lamp. So in our session we made paper lanterns! These were very easy to make and we really enjoyed it. We even put orange tissue paper inside so it looked like it was lit. 

Our third and final session was the most exciting of all. We met Florence Nightingale! 
Florence Nightingale talked to us about all of the things we had done during the day. She then started to talk about all of the things she had on her table. 
She had a brush to scrub the floors clean, a bar of soap (that didn't smell very nice). Florence had a bed pan so that the men who were badly injured could go to the toilet whilst still being in bed. In the picture there is an item that looks like a teapot and a cup mixed into one. This is a soup bowl, this is so that the soldiers can have their soup and not spill it over themselves as they would be laying down when they ate it. 

On the table were some bandages. Florence asked us if we would like to try to bandage up our friends hands. So we did. 

Florence also talked to us about a lamp she had, it was a very different to any lamp we had seen before. 

After we met with Florence it was lunchtime. After lunch, we had a look around the museum. We saw all different things. We saw lots of stuffed animals! We saw a whole corridor filled with teapots, they were all different shapes and sizes. 
We went into a room that had some beautiful dresses and jewellery. 
We tried on some funny masks. 

Next we went into a room that was all about Vikings and dragons! Oak class had been learning all about Vikings so we were very interested to have a look at what they'd been researching about. 
We out on some armour and had a mini battle! 
We even found a Viking ship! 

We left the Viking room and continued on our tour. We saw a gallery that was all about ancient Egypt and mummy's. It was very interesting! 

Lastly, we went upstairs to the Castle Keep. We dressed up as Kings and Queens. 
That was the end of our visit to Norwich Castle museum. We had so much fun and learnt lots of different, exciting things. We cannot wait to come back and see some more! 

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