Monday 24 September 2018

Art - Andy Warhol style

In our art lesson with Kate we have been working on making pictures like Andy Warhol. 

We have looked at a few pieces of his work. It is called POP Art.

Acorn class saw his piece of work with the coca-cola cans and his piece on Marilyn Monroe.

Image result for andy warhol marilyn monroe
*photo from Pinterest*

During week one we started our work with one piece of coloured card. Next, we were given 3 other coloured pieces that were smaller than our first. We had to stick our 3 colours onto our big piece. After that, we got given 4 pieces of coloured paper and we had to draw around our hand and cut it out. We stuck our hands onto the 3 coloured pieces ensuring no two colours were the same (blue hand print on a blue background). 

Week two we painted our hands black and printed them onto our cut out hands. 

This is what the final piece looks like. 

We are really pleased with our work and how well it has all turned out. 

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